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      American Academy of International Culture and Education 美国国际文教学会,由北美顶尖的教学专家与热爱教育的老师们组成的公益性机构,集前沿教学理论、优质合作项目、教师专题培训、教学经验分享为一体。致力于在美国发展中文教育和中国文化,促进两国民间力量的往来与交流,为中美两国搭建文化和教育桥梁, 建立支持、友好、合作、互信的共赢关系。





    我们已经在美国和中国开展了多次师资培训、行业交流与项目合作, 包括教师与学生奖学金项目。教师项目现有硕士项目、领导力证书项目、教师资格证项目等等;学生项目包括各级语言水平的线上教学等。我们与中美优质机构、大中小学合作,共享中文教育和中国文化。目前美国合作方包括明德大学、马里兰大学,旧金山州立大学、纽约克拉克森大学和新泽西西东大学等;中国合作方包括北京师范大学、北京语言大学、郑州大学、外语教学与研究出版社等。


     The American Academy of International Culture and Education (AAICE) is a non-profit organization led by U.S. education experts and dedicated teachers. Employing cutting-edge teaching strategies based on solid pedagogical theory, AAICE delivers quality curricula, cooperative programs, teacher training, and teaching resource-sharing platforms. AAICE, in collaboration with quality K-16 institutions and educational organizations in China and the United States, provides teachers and students with a global learning platform that serves as a bridge between Chinese and American cultures and educational systems.

     We strive to use well-grounded teaching philosophy and best practices to help American students who are passionate about learning Chinese to gain confidence in their linguistic skills and deepen their interest in Chinese language and culture. By supporting students as they develop their language proficiency, we assist them in uncovering their hidden strengths and realizing their academic and career goals. 

We strive to promote Chinese language education in the U.S in a number of ways -- by strengthening Chinese language programs, improving curriculum design and assessment, and improving the overall quality of Chinese language instruction.

     We strive to support international Chinese teachers by providing a wide variety of professional development opportunities, including training for pre-service and veteran teachers, technological support, sharing of pedagogy and resources, and Q & A sessions with teaching experts. These various types of support help all Chinese teachers, regardless of program type or grade level, to improve their personal teaching skills while also working collectively to develop the field of international Chinese language education.

    AAICE forms a bridge to allow educators in China and the U.S. to share best teaching practices and resources. In so doing, we promote mutual understanding and help to develop Chinese language education in both countries.

Working with outstanding organizations, K12 schools, and universities in both China and the U.S., we are actively building cooperation in the areas of Chinese language education and Chinese culture. At present, we have partnerships in the U.S. with Middlebury College, the University of Maryland, San Francisco State University, Clarkson University in New York, and Seton Hall University in New Jersey. In China, we are partnering with Beijing Normal University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Zhengzhou University, and the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Building bridges among these institutions, we have already successfully conducted a large number of teacher trainings, professional exchanges, and collaborative programs, including scholarship-based teacher and student programs. Teacher-focused initiatives include a US-China joint Master’s degree program, a school leadership certificate program, and a teacher training certificate program. Student programs include online language and culture courses for beginning to advanced language learners.  

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