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Academic Writing: from Topic Selection to Publishing

    “教而不研则浅,研而不教则空”,从教学相长到教研相长是教师专业发展的重要路径。为帮助广大高校外语教师强化科研意识与能力,以高水平研究和论文写作深化学科认识、开展有效教学,外语教学与研究出版社联合美国国际文教学会将于北京时间2022年1月14—23日在线上共同举办“Academic Writing: from Topic Selection to Publishing”专题研修。


     研修班特邀Stephen D. Krashen, Charlene Polio, Peter I. De Costa, Celeste Kinginger, Jiang Nan, Liu Shuyuan, Zhuang Jingyuan等国际知名专家与优秀青年学者,国内外核心期刊主编、编委与审稿人,结合丰富研究案例和论文审稿与发表经验,系统讲授外语教学研究方法、研究设计思路、论文写作与发表策略,指导参班教师洞悉学术前沿、深挖科研选题、掌握科研方法、完善研究设计、产出高质量论文,科学规划学术生涯,实现专业发展。

     美国国际文教学会(American Academy of International Culture and Education,AAICE),是由北美数位知名教学专家与一线教师发起成立的民间组织,致力于以前沿教学理论、优质合作项目、教师专题培训、教学经验分享为载体和依托,在国际化视角下,通过与中美著名大中小学及教育机构开展合作,为广大外语教师搭建互联互通的桥梁与发展提升的平台。


     2021年1月,外研社与美国国际文教学会合作举办“Make Learning Happen through Meaningful Communication”线上研修,丰富充实的学习经历、成熟高效的组织模式获得参班教师一致好评。





✧ Stephen D. Krashen领衔强大专家阵容,科研经验倾囊相授

本期研修班汇聚Stephen D. Krashen, Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Foreign Language Annals、《外语教学与研究》等国际知名专家学者,外语类国内外核心期刊主编、编委与审稿人,高屋建瓴指引学术方向,梳理研究现状,评析研究案例,传授丰富科研经验,帮助参班教师开拓学术视野、拓展研究思路。


✧ 外语教学研究方法系统讲解,理论实践紧密结合



✧ 论文写作与发表策略全面解析,重点难点各个击破



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Stephen D. Krashen 

Stephen D. Krashen has published over 500 articles and a dozen scholarly books in the fields of literacy, language acquisition, neurolinguistics, and bilingual education. Many of these publications are available for free download at He no longer writes books. Nevertheless, he is the most frequently cited scholar in the field of language education.

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Charlene Polio

Charlene Polio is a professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures at Michigan State University, where she teaches in the MA Program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and the PhD Program in Second Language Studies Program. Her main area of research is second language (L2) writing in relation to research methods and to second language acquisition. She is the co-author (with Debra Friedman) of Understanding, Evaluating, and Conducting Research in Second Language Writing (Routledge) and the co-editor (with Rosa Manchon) of The Routledge Handbook of Writing and Second Language Acquisition. She is the co-editor of TESOL Quarterly and a consulting editor for the new journal, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (Elsevier).

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Peter I. De Costa

Peter I. De Costa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures and the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University, where he directs the Master’s in TESOL program. His research areas include emotions, identity, ideology and ethics in applied linguistics. In addition, his ecologically- and social justice-oriented work looks at the intersection between second language acquisition (SLA) and language policy. He is the co-editor of TESOL Quarterly and the second Vice-President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics.

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Celeste Kinginger

Celeste Kinginger is a professor of Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University where she teaches qualitative and narrative research methods at the doctoral level. She is the author of numerous books and articles on environments for learning, second language pragmatics, and multilingual life writing. She is currently completing a book and video profile series from a large-scale, mixed-methods project on the careers of language study abroad alumni.

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Jiang  Nan

Jiang Nan is a professor of second language acquisition at the University of Maryland. His research interests include lexical representation and development in a second language, morphosyntactic processing, semantic development, bilingual language processing. He has published numerous articles in SLA, Applied Linguistics, and Psycholinguistics journals. He is also the author of Conducting Reaction Time Research in Second Language Studies (Routledge, 2002) and Second Language Processing: An Introduction (Routledge, 2008). 

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Liu  Shuyuan

Liu Shuyuan is a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University, where she provides instruction in undergraduate and graduate-level courses on English academic communication and Global English. Her research interests include English as a lingua franca (ELF), intercultural pragmatics, sociocultural theory, and study abroad. She has first-authored papers published and forthcoming in Foreign Language Annals and the Journal of Pragmatics, and has served as a reviewer for Foreign Language Annals and the TESOL International Convention. She is currently working on her dissertation which investigates the multimodality, spatiality, and sociocultural genesis of ELF pragmatics in synchronous online academic communication.

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Zhuang  Jingyuan

Zhuang Jingyuan is a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University (M.S. Linguistics, Georgetown University). Her research interests include second language acquisition and study abroad. She has published studies in edited volumes and presented her work at leading academic conferences in the field. Her dissertation project, on approaches to modality in English as a Second Language from cognitive linguistics and concept-based instruction, has received the EuroSLA 30 Junior Researcher Grant and the Language Learning Dissertation Grant.


1. 研修时间:



2. 研修形式:线上研修(具体研修形式将于开班前5日内发至您报名预留邮箱)

3. 研修费用:3980元/人(含专家授课、研修资料、教学组织管理、结业证书等费用)

                          * 2021年12月9日前报名并缴费可享受早鸟价3680元/人。

4. 在线报名已于2022年1月10日截止




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